The chemistry of life

Nobel gases are said to be the most stable element. They are the only elements known to man that can exist by themselves without getting involved in the transaction of electrons. They got the name noble gases because they are so majestic that they do not react with anything in general. They also go by the name inert gases since they are chemically inactive. Sometimes also called rare gases since they were found rarely during their early days of discovery, but nowadays, it’s considered a misnomer. 

In order of their mass: helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon. They are six in number, although there is a new element Oganesson, a synthetically produced highly radioactive element, variously predicted to be another noble gas or to break the trend and be reactive. Since its chemistry is not well studied, it is yet to be among the noble gases.

Nobel gases are the most chilled out of the 118 elements (updated in 2022) in the periodic table. Since their outer shell of valence electrons is “full,” it gives them little tendency to participate in chemical reactions. They are the cool ones that hang out on their own and watch as the other unstable elements run around in chaos to create a bond and try making themselves one. 

The other elements, on the contrary, are busy losing and gaining electrons to make themselves stable. They are chased around by instability and seek to form bonds. They are unstable by themselves and require the help of another who is also in need of help. The elements come together to be in a state like noble gases. 

I am not here to lecture you on some chemistry topics of chemical bonds, but I recently realized that we are no less than these elements. You surely ask, “how?” which you are fully entitled to ask, which I will try to answer in the coming paragraphs.

Noble gases are the most enlightened of human beings: they are the ones every human looks up to, the people that have lived on this earth with so much grace and calm that they go down on history as the noble ones. They are the people who have immortalized themselves amongst the people they have lived. 

Then again, there are unstable ones. These are the people that are still living on this earth. That’s us. We are in a state of continuous losses and gains. We live to make ourselves stable by involving ourselves in something that makes us steady. Some choose marriage and family, others their careers, and others commit to finding the path to spiritual enlightenment. All these are to make us stable as we live on planet earth.

We are all living our lives to leave this planet as the noble ones when the time arrives. Forming and breaking bonds; to be written among the stable ones, be remembered among the people we have lived with and be forever cherished. 

In pursuit of this path, however, we might be trapped by greed. Greed wants everything for itself. It wants to make itself stable while letting others suffer in instability. Unlike the chemistry of elements, which is restricted ( anions gain as cations lose), the chemistry of life is not. 

The chemistry of life is full of ups and downs. Sometimes we will be giving and sometimes receiving. In these transactions of life, let us act in the character that befits the ones we wish to be. Let us learn to share and be kind to one another. Let us defeat greed and be like the noble ones with love, kindness, and compassion. Let us hold each other; support one another in the pursuit of being amongst the nobles. 

         Be all you can be.✌

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