The Brave New World

Some people would kill to have our bad days, live in places awful even to hear them let alone live in them,  go thru the most horrific of situations, only to live in the hope of seeing another day,  suffer pain, hunger, thirst, anxiety, and despair.

Some sleep with empty stomachs, and on lucky days they eat once per day, try to sleep on cold floors with thin blankets, tormented by the wind and imminent threats, and sleep most of their days to cheat away their pangs of hunger.

We live in a world where the disparities between lives are more substantial than they were: the discrepancies in wealth, education, health, and way of life are a world apart, and the gap seems to get greater and greater; as the rich keep getting richer while the poor go lower than the brink of poverty.

We say the human species are advancing, but I question our advancements. We say technology is bringing us together, but why is it keeping us apart; Technology is to make our lives easier, but easier for whom; our advancements seem to have a preference. It prefers to push further the privileged and hold back the deprived.

The more we advance, our disparities grow exponentially, and we grow apart. Our differences ever grow to be undeniable. A growing frustration from within fueled by the visible differences creates rough relationships between the opposites.

The consequences of these will start bursting out. The bottled-up emotions will start bearing fruits and running rampant. Survival will be the ruler for the people of poverty, as greed is the god of the people in prosperity. Survival will be at any cost, and people will start to kill to have something that will get them out of the despised poverty.  

When this spreads across generations, generations grow to hate the fabricated misfortunes and calculate to dismantle the system that governs it. The frustration grows enough to result in a life filled with revolution. Suffering abates when injustice suffers. Then, the insurgence that runs rampant will become nonexistent.

The only way we can resolve our divergence; is by dismantling the man-maid structures designed to maintain our differences. In our pursuit of advancements, we should work to make the lives of everyone better without preferences.

We should kill the greed amongst the rich. Soothe the sorrow amongst the poor. The negative emotions bottled up against one another should be disclosed and settled.

The people that would kill to have our bad days should at least have the sympathy of the people that are privileged enough to have their bad days envied. If we tried to be more humans than machines, maybe we could see a better place we call earth. This world is never fair, and I don't think it will be any time soon. How we handle these facts, however, will determine the lives we intend to live, a life filled with peace or a life filled with battles? If we want to see days of serenity, we should hold ourselves in characters that befit.

       Be all you can be.✌

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