Ali Birra: The star that burnt the brightest!

Anna Todd said it well when she said, “The brightest stars burn the fastest, so we must love them while we can.” Ali Birra was one of the best, if not the best, artists we have been lucky enough to have in our country’s music industry. He is known for his magnificent voice and style. The iconic musician and artist passed away yesterday at the age of 75.

He was born in 1947 in Dire Dawa, initially called Ali Mohammed Musa, but after his hit song “Birraa dha Bairhe,” he got a stage name Ali Birra which stuck around to be official. His music career spanned over 60 years; he has had many hit albums and singles, among which “Nin deema” is one of the widely popular works loved even amongst non-Afan Oromo speakers.

He was multitalented, a vocalist, musician, and poet. He was versatile and had an immense impact on the growth of the Oromo and Ethiopian music industry. For the Oromo people, he was seen as an artist, entertainer, influencer, freedom fighter, and educator. He had songs about the Oromo language (Afan Oromo), education, sport, love, and many more. He had a significant role in the development of Afan Oromo, even during times of oppression. He helped mobilize and educate the youth and was artistic in assisting the unity of the Oromo nation.

His death is very heartbreaking, but he lived a great life. He was the brightest among the stars and shined for 60 years with his music. His influence on the Oromo people and the music industry will forever be remembered. He wished for his nation’s love, unity, growth, and prosperity but died without seeing his wish fulfilled. He lived an incredible life of dedication and service.

As we mourn his death, let us make his work shine brighter and push his cause forward. Let us unite as a nation and sing of love. Let us give the same dedication and service as he did in all our fields of profession. As we sing “Karaan mana abba gadda eessa,” let us give all we can to develop our beautiful culture. As we sing “Tokkummaa,” let us come together under the tree of Abba Gada and unite to bring forth the “bilisummaa” that he genuinely sang for.

I express my heartfelt grief and condolences to Ali’s family and friends. To the Oromo nation, his loss may spark another burst of pain; from the many losses, particularly the loss of Hachalu Hundessa. They are the brightest stars that burn the fastest. Let us not lose hope and drop the baton but keep heading forward. The bright future awaits to which they dedicated their lives.

     Be all you can be.✌

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