Let it be!

To be in control of all aspects of our lives is a luxury. We want to do what we can do, change what we want to, and live the way we want to. Anyone who can do this at any given time is beyond powerful.

Our world is full of chaos, and order is far from reach. We are surrounded by things that are out of control. It’s overwhelming to see all this and try to live our lives. We feel weak and vulnerable, living at the mercy of fierce mother nature. Different pieces move while we feel stuck and stagnant. We want things to stop and calm down for once. We want assurance that we are not vulnerable and out of control.

When we are stuck in traffic, we feel so irritated. I wondered why it was frustrating being in these moments. We are on a road built for speed yet stuck. The frustration is being stuck in a place of movement, being out of control in a position of it.

Life is filled with these moments. Moments where we are stuck in places we should be running and have our freedoms. The fights we have between ourselves; people; and the surroundings are fueled by these; We feel we should be driving at 100 KMPH, but we are moving at 20.

These moments test our patience and stretch us thin. Chaos runs rampant while we are searching for order. The boundaries over which we have control seem to get smaller and smaller. Our anxiety turns into flames and spreads like wildfire. We feel as if our life is slipping out of our hands.

Our times of youth are the playground for these moments. They knock on each of our doorsteps and hand us our dues. Nature has a way of humbling every one of us. It puts a good picture of reality for us to see and whispers that there are powers greater than ours.

My life has had many of these moments. Moments I thought I was out of control and powerless. I could only be an observer of all the nonsense. I felt surrounded by chaos and sought silence. The knock of nature on my door got louder while my ears ran for cover. I was surrounded by movement while I saw myself standing stagnant.

One thing I learned from terrible moments in life; is to let them be and focus on the things that are controllable for me. No matter how the boundaries over which I have control seemed to grow lesser, I kept my eyes on the main things. The day I chose to stop troubling my eyes following the chaos and settled them for the order at hand; were the days when the life I once felt slipped out was brought back to the grips of my hands.

I utter in my blog today to let it be. Let it be the way it is. Focus on the things you can control; put your eyes on the one on your hands from the things that slipped away. If you lost something or someone, let it be. If you are in a situation that is filled with chaos and want silence, let it be. There is peace in accepting reality. The tides come to silence, and the storm settles down when we realize what we need to do or not. So, take a deep breath and let it be.

      Be all you can be.✌

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