Here, have a gift!


Gifts are anonymous and presented with a cover to hide the contents from the receiver. They are supposed to be a surprise. The receiver will be joyous when receiving the gift, filled with expectations equal to what that person means to them. How that person values you will be on scale with the price. Did the giver take time to get the gift, or was it rushed? Does he value me as much as the gift, or is it manipulation for future gain? These thoughts run through one’s brain when one receives a gift.

The size, shape, and weight of the gift are considered, and we even shake them to guess what it could be; A gush of Dopamine rushes within our bodies, filled with excitement. The sounds of the opening of gift wraps resemble the beeps on our phones when we receive a message. We are eager to know what it is.

We stand on twin roads, one leading to disappointment and one to delight, dependent on our expectations. The gift is powerless, but when given, it becomes powerful enough to change our whole day, evening, or even months to come. We take off the wrap and see the gift for what it is; then and there, the dopamine rush riches its epitome with a chance to go on to ecstasy or plummet to sadness.

Amazing how expectations have such great control over us. The same is true when we give someone a gift. We develop a sense of entitlement to receive from that person. We expect them to be returned in one form or another. The rule of reciprocity governs the kingdom of gifts, but should they?

Why do we have to be filled with so much expectation for something that came a minute ago? Should we be held prisoner for something the giver gave for free? The concept of giving should not be with the intent to receive back but to fulfill. Our gifts to the outside should not be done to receive any form of advantage from it but to pass forward the luck of having and being blessed. The world would be much better if we gave away without expecting any return.

Imagine if we gave away with the full intent of showing abundance, content, and fulfillment. No amount of gift will add or deprive us of what we have. If we have received the gift of life, we have received everything to be given. No one can gift us our precious lives, which makes them priceless. To the one who has received a gift worthy of no price, no amount of passing it forward will make them feel deprived in the process of giving.

It takes an immense degree of self-consciousness to be in this state. It requires a constant realization and re-realization of our worth. We should affirm to ourselves that no number of gifts we receive will ever surpass the gift of life we have already received. When we give away, we need to affirm that no matter how many we give, we can never be at a loss.

The other way we try to maneuver our way from these feelings is through publicity. We try to show how much we gave away or how much we received to show how much we are at abundance or how much we are at fulfillment. We are giving and receiving with the intent of getting an advantage in some way or another. The rule of reciprocity is at work here as well. Earnest deeds don’t need publicity.

The crux of my message today is; to tell you that you have already received enough, that you already have enough, and that you can be content. The world doesn’t owe you a thing; powerful is a man whom you can’t take away anything from or give him to change how he is. You have the gift of life, and that is all you need.

        Be all you can be.✌

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