The boiling point

A boiling point is the transition point of a substance from its liquid state to a gas. It is the point at which the vapor pressure equals the pressure of the gas above it (atmospheric pressure). Boiling points vary for different liquids.

Boiling points are the initial points of change. They signify the point at which something starts to change. Until that point reaches, the liquid remains in its state of liquidity.

In Nuclear physics, there is a phenomenon known as the critical mass theory; it is the minimum amount of a fissile material required to create a self-sustaining reaction. In simpler terms, it’s the amount of reactant necessary for something to happen and to keep happening. It is a point at which one thing causes a succession of others and creates a whole movement.

In business, this idea of boiling point or critical mass is the point in time when a company becomes self-sustaining and economically viable. Just as a nuclear reaction reaches a critical mass when it can sustain itself, so must a business. It is the point where it starts to flourish and escapes from the anxiety of not standing on its own or being sustainable.

In sociology, Joseph Duda also said, “when enough people (a critical mass) think about and truly consider the plausibility of a concept, it becomes a reality.” It is the minimum number of people required for a change to occur in a society. 

This idea of boiling point, critical mass, or tipping point is rich. It goes on to reach our everyday lives. If we consider actions, for instance, critical mass can be the point at which a sequence of one becomes transformed into a habit. It is the point at which the body considers the action as its norm and executes it with less brain power. 

We think it requires extraordinary action, an outside intervention, or a revelation that brings light to our lives to cause a complete transformation for some things to change. I am not saying that these things don’t happen, they do, but they are the exception rather than the rule. 

For a change to occur, it needs persistence until we reach our tipping point. At that point, everything will take its course just as the nuclear reaction starts and sustains itself. The struggles become effortless, we flow along, and it takes less convincing and brain power to execute an action. Unfortunately, most of us quit before reaching our boiling points. We surrender to the resistance that tries to keep us at bay and miss out on what awaits us.

So, whatever you are engaged in, remember that we don’t require much to start a change. We don’t need to change every piece to get it, just the necessary few. To change our habits, change our families, change our neighbors, change society, or whatsoever, we only need a critical few to start a change and spark a movement. 

     Be all you can be.✌

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