
Spring is the natural flow of groundwater. It is an abundant water source; it keeps springing continuously throughout the year. Water clear as a crystal pops up, always fresh and pure, to satisfy nature’s thirst.

Man has been using wellsprings for years as a source of clear water. Most of our settlements were based on the nearest wellsprings. They move on when one dries up to find another. Their lives depended on it.

The fascinating thing about springs is that however polluted they may be, they manage to return to their pure forms with time. They cleanse their selves as they produce more and more water. No matter how polluted they may get; how dark the water may turn; and how sore the water may taste, their innate nature is to produce pure and clean water. Hence, they eventually deliver that.

We all have springs in ourselves, a spring that brings forth to this world a new and pure product. It springs out of us naturally; everyone has their natural spring. A spring that defines who they are, where they came from, and whom they came after. It speaks to the world that you are irreplaceable and one of a kind.

The spring within us can be diluted or polluted by what we see, hear, or have been taught but destroyed. Through time, it returns to its purest form. The traumas, struggles, hurts, and pain we go through might cause our springs to lose their pure forms. We might be filled with bitterness, hate, anger, or sorrow. The things we go through might corrupt us and supposedly change our looks and habits. However, it will not be permanent unless we choose to be in that state. Our springs will eventually cleanse themselves, but if we choose to be in that similar state, we can disrupt it, pollute it or even poison it as the water springs up. We have the right to choose how our springs may come out.

I used to be in continuous fear of losing myself. I was anxious about being polluted by something poisonous and ending up perverted. We all have that fear, the fear of being a copycat, the fear of being fake, the fear of being inauthentic, and many other fears. It is natural to feel this fear looking at what we go through and seeing what we see on social media and in the entertainment industry. We see sellouts selling out. We developed a toxic culture of losing ourselves to something famous and trendy.  We also have a fear of theft. We fear our products being stolen, our pure products turning into cheap knockoffs. It is a legitimate fear.

There is a beautiful story in the first chapter of the bible. In that story, there is a man called Jacob. Jacob starts to live in a foreign land, mixed with the people and their lifestyles. This man was very productive and amassed great wealth. He dug wells for his crops and animals. The wells were abundant with water; the people saw this and took it off him. He moved along and dug another well, which turned out the same result. This kept on going as Jacob kept on digging more wells. Finally, the people stopped as they could not stop him from finding a new spring.

This story taught me to believe in what I have inside me, no matter the circumstances. The spring within me will keep springing and giving birth to something pure and clean if I choose it to be. I knew that nothing outside could hurt my spring but myself. The power to choose what happens to it is mine, not my circumstances.

So, as I bring my blog to an end, I say to you, trust in your inner springs. Nothing can take it away from you or pollute you. You have the full right to decide on what comes forth from you. Let that spring, spring out of you in abundance, and rinse your outside.

           Be all you can be and spring.✌

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