The Awakening!

In the book of Genesis, there is a chapter about the fall of Adam. Eve tempted by a snake, which represents the devil, eats the fruit from the tree of life and gives it to her husband.

After eating from that tree, their eyes opened, and they saw that they were naked and sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.

This occurrence is what is called "the fall" in Judeo-Christian beliefs.

Subsequently, God says that man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil, then curses them and throws them out of heaven.

In this chapter, we notice that Adam and his wife never knew their nakedness until after they ate from that tree, which caused them to be aware of their state of being and replaced the bliss they had with fear.

The concept of being aware is interesting: one cannot escape awareness once it happens, you might ignore it, neglect it, avoid it or deny it, but the fact of the matter is once you become aware, there is no going back.

It’s a sudden revelation that completely changes everything. It affects how we think, exist, or work; our days change, never to be the same again; the world acquires different taste, look, and feel.

Awareness brings with it fear; fear that arises from being out of control; develops from moving out of our comfort zone and grows from the absence of the familiar and the overwhelming results of sudden change.

We see this in Adam and Eve: after they become aware of their nakedness, they immediately run for cover and cover themselves up.

Awareness is acceptance of reality: being conscious of what is and what we ought to do about it; it is evidence so undeniable that forces us to accept.

The only escape, if there is any, is by being at peace with the undeniable truth that has faced our fortune; we should take what’s ahead with the dignity it requires and accept the responsibility for the consequences of what being aware results. The more we struggle against it, the more difficult it becomes; it kills the old thoughts that have grown inside and plants seeds anew.

When a child becomes conscious of its being, she starts being on her own. She starts getting to know herself, moving away from mom’s warm hugs and out into the cold lonely world of hers; the baby could live projecting to her mom, but the thought of who she is and what she is all about always runs rampant as a predator unleashed upon its pray.

The responsibility of awareness is to live by it, and the consequence of it is that our lives will never be the same again; the chaos that rules upon being aware will only surrender to order when one accepts the problem and seeks its solutions.

Being aware can be a blessing or a curse; to those who use it, it unleashes us to new dimensions that life has to provide; for those who deny it, it will forever be the inner tormenter that never knows when to stop.

Be aware and take it by its horns.

      Be all you can be.✌

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