Dare to believe!

 Miracles are possible to him that believes. The people that dare to see the impossible are the ones that see it, the ones that dare to ask are the ones that receive it, and those that knock on the door are the ones who get it open.

The difference between the believer and the nonbeliever is courage, the courage to trust in the unknown and become the stuntman. As we start to believe, it grows us into one. We start taking risks to bring to life the miracles we want. We leap into the unknown, dive into the chaos, and swim in the mysterious.

We see it in our dreams and crave it in our reality. The desire is so strong that we look ridiculous in the sight of those near. The people notice your difference but cannot state what, detect the language you speak but do not comprehend, and see the outrageous steps you take but cannot see the path.

The unbeliever lacks the courage to see any difference; he takes the path of least resistance, trying to avoid disappointments. His moves are calculated and very rational. The belief to not believe, play it safe and escape discouragement. There is no diving into the unknown or swimming in chaos, but take the steps of the rational man and miss out on the miracles of life.

I see myself giving in to the life of the skeptic. I choose to defer from taking risks; I prefer to take the path of the known and predictable. The fear of leaping cripples me from going forth, deprives me of freedom to breathe, and blinds me from daring to see. The path of least resistance takes over our reality.

Steve Jobs said, “the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” It seems like crazy is a requirement to bring to life something that has never been done, requires crazy to believe in the impossible, demands crazy to jump out into the chaos, and pleads crazy to pursue the paths avoided.

To have a belief and go about it like crazy are the ingredients that push us closer to a miracle. An event that manifests marvelous enough to force us to think of the supernatural. An act that influences the observer to have the courage to believe in the impossible.

To forecast rain when it is all dry and dead, to see a path forward while facing a wall, to listen to hope in the voice of despair, to speak of love in the arena of hate, and to feel joy in the place of grief. To be in a state of continuous mindfulness of the thoughts of our brains.

So, today I dare to believe. I dare and get disappointed than enjoy the comfort of disbelief; dare to see the invisible than stare at the visible; dare to trust in the unknown than conform to the known; dare to slip into chaos than dance in the usual. Let us bring forth the miracles of life by daring to believe and having the courage to ask and prepare to receive. I end with the words of the gospel of Mark, “all things are possible to him that believeth.”

     Be all you can be.✌

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