Ready, Set, SOAR!!!!
A few days went by, and the egg finally started to hatch. The duck was very excited and waited upon it to break out of its hatch. The baby came out and looked very different from what the duck knows but didn’t mind. She started feeding it, protecting it, and caring for it as she does for all her baby ducks.
That baby started to grow with his other baby ducks, now
made siblings, and run after mommy duck just like the others. As the years went
by, the baby started to grow very rapidly, and his wings were wider and
stronger than his siblings. Even though he still walked along with his mommy and
siblings, every eye that laid on him noticed he was different. But he just went
and played along.
He stared up at the skies and saw birds flying high in the sky with their wings spread. He dreamed of flying along them; of feeling the air with his wings spread apart, and of how it would look from that high. Days lead to days, He starts to see what makes him different; he could stay up longer when he tried jumping, his wings were wider, and had sharper vision and strength. Nevertheless, mommy always strolled along on the farm, so did the siblings, and so did he.
The urge to try out his full strength grew as the days went by, he wanted to jump off the top of the farmhouse. He envisioned joining the birds flying high. He was waiting for some force to just confirm that he was different and to whisper to him that he could do it and fly above the clouds.
One bright day, he gathered up all his strength and took up to the top of the farmhouse. It was a sunny day with a light breath, everything was picture perfect. He looked down to the ground from where he was and felt his heart pounding. He tiptoed to the edge and took a deep breath. His siblings saw him from the ground and kept staring at him with quite an interest. He looked at them once again--spread his wings wide and jumped off the farmhouse. He headed straight down to the ground and fell flat on his face. All his siblings run to him to see if he was okay. He was fine and had a few feathers fallen off him, but he got back up. He went back up to the top of the farmhouse and tried to do the same stunt he did earlier, and boom again flats on his face. He kept at it a few times and with a few more broken feathers.
The day was fading away as his energy was, he looked up at the sky one last time and saw a bird high above the clouds. He noticed the bird was looking at him as if it was waiting for him to arrive. He got up once again to the top with only one thing in mind, to join that bird high above the clouds. He jumped off the edge and spread his wings as far as he could, he started going down but kept slapping his wings as hard as he could. Harder and harder, he kept at it, and he observed that he was high above the farmhouse. His siblings stared at him as they did earlier. He looked above, feeling lighter than he ever felt; the air seemed to work in his favor, and pushed his wings even higher up in the sky. He soared like no other and soared evermore.
The story is anthropomorphized as one can get, but that egg
that hatched inside that farmhouse with the baby ducks was an eaglet. The eaglet
grew up as a duck, ate like a duck, and lived much of his life like one. Until
he saw his difference and tried on his luck.
Brought up in this world with parents that believed in a certain belief, a society that believes in another, and an education system that thought us another. All working to produce the perfect citizens as machines do. Reflecting like mirrors to produce what only is.
Today I ask you to look deep inside yourself, I plead you choose
yourself and believe in what is inside of you. To accept the talents that you
kept at bay, to bring to light all you kept at dark, and to adore the voice
that whispers to you-- you are different, and to believe in your right to exist
as you.
I ask of you today, let us soar up in the sky together, let
us spread our wings wide, and fly above the clouds.
Let us be all we could be. ✌
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