
 Today was my graduation. It goes down in the history books for me as one of the most emotional days in my life up until now. It’s not the graduation event per se but all the years behind it. All the sacrifice, all the breakdowns, all the joys, all the tops, and all the bottoms boil down to this day.

I feel so lucky to get to this day. I am forever in debt to my lord God and savior for all the grace and mercy He bestowed on me. A lot happens in 7 years of stay in med school, but through it all, He has been my protector, provider, and much more.  

I had my health, family, and loved ones with me throughout these years; quite overwhelming. The prayers of my mother and the guidance of my father were with me each day, and the love and support of my brothers were impeccable. I couldn’t have asked for any better than what I got. I feel very blessed for all this.

Seeing my friends and their families with joy and laughter was worth all those struggles. The day was filled with hugs, kisses, smiles, and cries. It was beautiful and emotional.

This joyous moment also served us responsibility at the same level of joy and enthusiasm. When you graduate from med school, you take the Hippocratic oath. The oath states to help people regardless of identity, sex, or religion. To hold our duties ahead of our interests, serve for the betterment of people’s lives, and a few more that require great sacrifices. It was scary to say it out loud. Great power becomes great responsibility.

I prayed to God to help me as He helped me through the years and took the oath at heart. With that came the conclusion of my graduation. I want to thank all my friends that were very supportive and patient with me; thank you so much.

          Be all you can be.✌

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