
Methods of perfume manufacturing have evolved over the years, and even though it is now manufactured on a much larger scale, it still largely follows the same path as those who invented it.

Nature's scents, like those of fruits, flowers, and spices, have long been used by humans to create fragrant products. Nowadays, found in almost everything, including personal fragrances, candles, lotions, soaps, and cleaning goods.

Ancient cultures used various fragrant flowers and woods for water and body treatments. They also manufactured oil from plants and burned incense made of herbs and spices like cinnamon.

Like a fine wine, a lot of effort and time is put into creating a scent. What's also fascinating is that many of the ancient processes are still used by famous perfume makers today. Of course, scientists and other experts have refined and improved the methods, but some are still the same.

Creating a perfume involves different methods: collecting ingredients, extracting oils, combining, aging, and quality control.

First is collecting the necessary ingredients. Subsequently, there is the extraction and collection of essential oils, and the process of generating perfume begins.

The ingredients must be combined once they have all been selected. An expert combines the oils following a formula that has been specified. These recipes frequently have hundreds of distinct constituents and were meticulously developed over many years.

After combination, to be sure the right aroma has been produced: the perfume goes through the aging process. The high-quality and pure ones are frequently aged for months or even years. Aging causes the distinct scents, or notes, to merge. Top notes give a perfume body, while base notes give it a long-lasting smell. Together, these notes make up the perfume.

Quality control is an essential part of the perfume production process. It guarantees that the completed perfume won't contain any undesirable or hazardous ingredients, some of which might even be illegal. This protects the brand's reputation and, more crucially, public health.

Having said this about perfumes, I want to come to why I bring you this today. I believe we should all be like perfumes. We all come from different backgrounds; bring to the table various resources; and knowledge, just like the ingredients used in making perfume.

The reason I detailed the process of making perfume is where the emphasis lies. The first process was collecting ingredients, extracting oils, and combining. This process requires research and engagement in the surroundings. As we grow up and go through life, we collect different knowledge, experiences, and cultures. We build up specific knowledge and skill set. After that, we move on to the extraction of oils. Extraction of oil, in our sense, means getting valuable information from all that we have collected throughout our lives. We investigate our lives and look for the required ingredients. After getting that, we should squeeze out all the lessons we have learned and make an oil out of them.

Proceeding after the extraction of oil is the combination. The combination of all the lessons we have acquired, all the culture, all the experiences, and all the history we have. We should put them all in one bottle and mix them up. Explore through each set of our collection and link all the dots.

This is inevitable to take time; hence like the fate of the perfume’s aging process, we should be patient in the build-up of good sets of knowledge and experience to make our supposed perfume. As stated above, the high-quality and pure ones are frequently aged for months or even years. To become high-quality and pure, we should let time help us in the buildup. To provide the world with something valuable, we all should go through experiences, learn new lessons, do our due diligence, and come up with quality perfume.

In the final and essential part of perfume production, we stated the need for quality control. We said that our perfumes should not contain harmful ingredients that would harm the public or the brand. In our case, we should be cautious of what we wish to bring out to that world. All that we have gathered, all that we have sacrificed for and waited for, should have no harm to the public.

Finally, we ended up with perfume. Perfume makes the person smell wonderful: it gives confidence, makes them feel on top of the world, and leaves the room they found better smelling than they found it. The perfumes we make with our lives should be the same as well.  

In conclusion, just like perfume goes through these processes to come out with a beautiful scent and aroma, we should all go through the process of perfume production within ourselves. We should go through all that it takes to bring out to the world the unique taste and flavor that we all have within us.

                Be all you can be, perfume.✌

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