My phone was stolen from me yesterday. It was a horrible experience. Two guys came up to me out of nowhere, looking all innocent and all, one of them grabbed me by the hand, and the other came in front and tried to talk me out of resisting and hit me once when I tried to move. They went through my pockets, took my phone and other items, and disappeared just like they came.

All that was going through my mind at that moment was whether I would get away alive: see another day or see my family again. I felt so weak and horrible. I begged, “take everything and just let me go,” it was a terrifying moment.

After that moment, it got me thinking about the preciousness of life. Nothing compares, even comes close to doing so, to the good fortune of having to live.  All the things we label as treasured lose their worth when seen next to staying alive. The breath we take each day becomes so cheap and ordinary that we take it for granted. They seem casual but weigh heavily on our survival.

Moments like this make you take a good look at everything. They change worldviews and whole perspectives of life. Sudden light shines upon everything and brings to our eyesight; we start to see things for what they are. It helps you focus on the better things in life, dims the light on the unnecessary, and helps declutter your life pursuits.

Those of you who have gone through similar experiences know what I am talking about. For those who haven’t, I don’t wish for you to go through one, but if so, it will become one of the most vital experiences in life you will ever have. The experience is a complete embodiment of how life is too short.

I didn’t want to write about this at first, but I felt like I needed to do so to truly reflect on what happened that night. I hope you learn a good lesson from this.   

             Be all you can be.✌

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