Oceans and Emotions

 Oceans are beautiful. They are these massive, blue forces of nature. They can be so calm and elegant but also harsh and arrogant. No one seems to understand their reactions fully. Experts state different causes of which a shift in the tectonic plates is one of them, a discomfort deep in the earth that causes violent movement in the oceans.

People enjoy their presence when they are calm, the babies, the youngsters, even the old ones. They become so soft and smooth for everyone. When they are in their violent nature, everyone runs away and hides for it. They become so vicious, destroying everything in their way.

I have never been to an ocean, let alone swim in one. But I feel like I am in one some of the time. Like the beautiful ocean, sometimes it’s very calm and elegant; other days can be as harsh and arrogant; they are emotions that seem to be under the control of unseen forces of nature. Oceans of emotions.

A storm starts within me, which I want to control. I don’t want it to spill over and wet everyone else. There are harsher days, however, when I can’t even handle the constant waves of emotions. They become hurricanes and push people away. They make others want to run for cover, a force of nature.

Our emotions are deep as the ocean. Their causes could be a temporary incident that causes an upset or one that awakens a wound from the past. They are interrelated as one leads to another, one fueling another, and one camouflaged like the other. We struggle on the path to find the ultimate cause. They are frustrating enough to lead to another revolt of an emotional rollercoaster.

Experts in sailing learn to feel the ocean. They can read the weather and their movements and say a storm is coming. They have accumulated a considerable amount of experience and time with them, to say, with confidence, how they will be.

It got me thinking of my issues as well; I can say I don’t spend time with myself enough to know how I would react; I don’t know myself enough to say what causes my emotions; I don’t know myself enough to know when a storm is to hit.

If I want to be a sailor of my ocean, my work is cut out for me to spend time with them. As frustrating and tiring as it may be, I want to learn my emotions. I don’t want to feel out of control and float on to wherever they may take me. I don’t want to spill over and push the people near me. I don’t want that force of nature to make people crumble or run away.

I think that is why the bible says, “Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self-control than one who takes a city.

So let us be better than warriors and conquer our emotions than cities. Let us win the wars within ourselves, for then we will be called conquerors. Let us start this life journey together and be warriors.

               Be all you can be.✌

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